Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Workshops

From 2007 through 2013, Aldeen Foundation participated in the Startalk program through grants to support teaching and learning the Arabic language. We developed and presented summer immersion programs for high school heritage and non-heritage Arabic language speakers. High school students learned functional use of Arabic and communication and provided a platform for them to continue their learning on an independent basis throughout the year, with monthly support meetings.

Additionally, we had the opportunity to present intensive three week teacher training sessions for new and experienced Arabic language teachers, where they learned the right mix of research, application and current techniques and hands-on training of the national standards for teaching Arabic as a foreign language. With nationally recognized trainers and a network of professionals, participants were able to observe master teachers in a real classroom setting and the opportunity to also teach in a classroom setting and receive feedback from the trainers. Participants were eligible to receive university credits through our collaboration with Loyola Marymount University or California State University of San Bernardino.

To see topics presented in previous years click on the links below

2011 Aldeen/Startalk Teacher Program Click here

2009 Aldeen/Startalk Teacher Program Click here

2008 Aldeen/Startalk Teacher Program Click here


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